Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Whats In My Bag??

Hey Girls!
I hope lately that you all have been liking all my youtube videos combined into my posts, because today I have another video and post for you!
I havent posted a "Whats in my Bag" post in a while now, so I wanted to do a updated post for you girls!

This picture here is from my previous post, but I am still using the same purse alot of the time so I am doing this post on this purse again!
I really am in love with this Chanel purse! It is so cute and simple and isnt like alot of the other Chanel purses that you see alot of the time.
The only down side to using this purse is that I find I cant carry alot of heavy things, or I feel that the straps might break. But other than that I love it!

Now to see what I carry in my purse! To find out, please watch my newest youtube video!

I would also LOVE if you could "Like" this video and subscribe to my channel bellavitamakeupxo! It would mean so much to me! Hope you enjoyed this post! What are some things that you carry in your purse?


  1. Great video and cute bag.

  2. Aw love the bag; its so pretty. & the pink Chanel purse is lovely x

  3. Great video and I loooove your bag! and the pink purse, eek! want it! xo


Thanks so much for your comment! Mwah♡